24.05.20 Sun Of A Beach 10th Birthday All-Dayer #lockdownlive
24.05.20 Sun Of A Beach 10th Birthday All-Dayer #lockdownlive 1000-0300 BST #lockdownlive "Please find yourself cordially invited to the Sun Of A Beach 10th Birthday radio show on Sunday May 24th. /// READ MORE // /.
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23.05.20 Sonny Scully Evans Virtual 30th Birthday Party! #lockdownlive
23.05.20 Pie & Mash All-Dayer Party #lockdownlive 1500-Late (BST). Sonny Scully Evans is turning 30 and COVID-19 has stolen the party from him... "So instead I would love you all to come celebrate via a live stream. We will be streaming Live from a secret London river side location. With very special guest DJs. ///…
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22.05.20 Furry’s Guide to the Galaxy #lockdownlive #extra
22.05.20 Furry's Guide to the Galaxy #lockdownlive #extra 2100-2300HRS (BST) with Tony Levene, the first Friday of every month. "Chapter 17. Another slice of eclectic music with substance. Balearic, funk, jazz, reggae, deep plus old school house, indie dance and rockier flavours. Tune in live or listen again. Stay safe!" Live from 9pm (UK) /// READ MORE // /

09.05.20 Sun Of A Beach May Day All-Dayer
09.05.20 Sun Of A Beach All-Dayer 1200 - 0100 BST "Dear Party People, As news of social gatherings seems to keep us further apart, we thought after our triumphant Easter Sunday radio show, we'd keep this spirit alive to bring the beach straight to your ears and let waves of a different kind wash over you throughout…
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02.05.20 120 Minutes Kitchen Funk & Rap Party #lockdownlive
02.05.20 120 Minutes #lockdownlive 8pm (BST). "Order in the snacks and beers and strap up that dodgy knee coz 120 Minutes radio show is bringing you the Kitchen Funk & Rap Party Session, live this from "The Lab". Hear sounds from Jurassic 5 to the JB's, Nas to Roy Ayers, Fonda Rae to Fab 5 Freddy and more!.…
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01.05.20 Furry’s Guide to the Galaxy #lockdownlive
01.05.20 Furry's Guide to the Galaxy #lockdownlive 2100-2300HRS (BST) with Tony Levene, the first Friday of every month. "Chapter 16. Balearic, funky, jazz, reggae, house, indie dance and rock flavours. Eclectic music with substance and furry as ever of course. Tune in live or stream/download later on. Stay safe x" Live from 9pm (UK) /// READ MORE // /