12.09.12 Soup Sessions with Jo Wallace
2100HRS (UK) another great Soup Sessions with Jo Wallace coming your way... visiting Nova Lujon Towers this night from the South Coast with another bus load of delicious vinyl for our earthly delights and aural pleasure, expect plenty of knowledge, witty banter and sweets... tune in from 9pm (UK). Check out her…
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1900HRS (UK) Another jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson, this week with a special guest from france... join me tonight and every other tuesday for an exploration into jazzy traveling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on... from 7-11pm (GMT+1) x
Cover Photography Copyright Art…
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26.08.12 SUN OF A BEACH
1800HRS (UK) SUN OF A BEACH... this Bank Holiday Sunday... this time with a radio transmission...
"A warm welcome to this, the last in this season’s Sun Of A Beach parties, set for BANK HOLIDAY SUNDAY 26th AUGUST...
As always, the DJ line-up is as good as it gets with a welcome return to two less regular…
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26.07.12 UA Take Away
2100HRS (UK) the Urban Allstars take away... the regular monthly thursday night spot for the fab four and their collective vision of funky heaven... from 9pm-midnight x
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11.07.12 Soup Sessions with Neil Queen-Jones
2100HRS (UK) the Soup Sessions with Neil Queen-Jones...
Despite his best efforts to lead a life of blissful idling, Neil Queen-Jones has somehow been duped into spending over 20 years at the business end of the underground music scene. As a DJ, promoter, music journalist and pr (insert name-dropping…
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