05.12.21 Post Roast Session #live
05.12.21 Post Roast Session #live 9pm GMT. Every other week (possibly) with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Stay Safe People. Peace & Love. #live #staysafe #staytuned #musicislove x
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03.12.21 Furry’s Guide to the Galaxy #live
05.11.21 Furry's Guide to the Galaxy #live 2100-2300HRS (BST) with Tony Levene, the first Friday of every month. "Chapter 38. Bringing you underground left-of-centre club related music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s with assorted gems from my vinyl collection. Listen live from 9pm (UK). /// READ MORE // /.
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25.11.21 Urban Allstars Take Away #live
25.11.21 Urban Allstars Take Away #live 2100-0000HRS (GMT). the Urban Allstars take away... the fab three with their collective vision of funky heaven... Live from 9pm-midnight #musicislove #staysafe x /// READ MORE // /.
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06.11.21 120 Minutes #live
06.11.21 120 Minutes #live 7pm (GMT) First Saturday of every month with Paul Housden & guests. "Join me and Phil Lamb this month from 7pm til 10pm for more crooked Dance action, Balearic slingers and Electronic House music. /// READ MORE // /.
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