1600HRS (UK) first new monthly jazzy session of the year with a post-Jazz Juice session with something new, something old, something funky and something blue... join me David Jazzy Dawson for some post roast woodbines and an exploration into jazzy travelling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk…
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2000HRS (UK) the jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson this week something new, something old, something funky... join me tonight and every other tuesday for an exploration into jazzy travelling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on, playing anything... from 8-11pm (UK) x.
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1900HRS the jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson this week exploring revolution... join me tonight and every other Tuesday for an exploration into jazzy travelling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on, playing anything... from 7-11pm (UK) x
Cover Photography Copyright Art Of The…
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1900HRS (UK) the jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson this week going somewhere else very special with another birthday coming up... join me tonight and every other tuesday for an exploration into jazzy travelling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on, playing anything... from 7-11pm…
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2000HRS (UK) the jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson this week going somewhere very special... join me tonight and every other tuesday for an exploration into jazzy travelling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on, playing anything... from 8-11pm (UK) x
Cover Photography Copyright…
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2000HRS (UK) the jazzy session with David Jazzy Dawson back on the mic rewinding some of the previous funky french stuff... join me tonight and every other tuesday for an exploration into jazzy traveling... around the 1950's, afrobeat, latin, 1970s jazz-funk and so on, playing anything... from 8-11pm (UK)…
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