17.05.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive
17.05.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive 7pm-Late. (BST) Every other week with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Stay Safe People. Peace & Love. #lockdownlive #staysafe #stayhome #staytuned #musicislove x /// READ MORE // /

09.05.20 Sun Of A Beach May Day All-Dayer
09.05.20 Sun Of A Beach All-Dayer 1200 - 0100 BST "Dear Party People, As news of social gatherings seems to keep us further apart, we thought after our triumphant Easter Sunday radio show, we'd keep this spirit alive to bring the beach straight to your ears and let waves of a different kind wash over you throughout…
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26.04.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive
26.04.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive 7pm-Late. (BST) Every other week with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Stay Safe People. Peace & Love. #lockdownlive #virtualparty #staysafe #stayhome #staytuned #musicislove x /// READ MORE // /

13.04.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive
13.04.20 Post Roast Sessions #lockdownlive 7pm-Late. (BST) Every other week with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. It's four weeks (i think) since my the last post-roast and self-imposed lock down,…
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The Sun Of A Beach Easter Radio All-Dayer
12.04.20 The Sun Of A Beach Easter Radio All-Dayer 1200 - 0300 BST "How would you like to come to a party with us on Sunday. We don't need to go far, the living room will do or you could branch out into the garden for that al fresco SOAB experience :)
This Sunday, courtesy of a hell-of-a-lot of effort from all…
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22.03.20 Post Roast Session #lockdownlive
22.03.20 Post Roast Session. 7pm-Late. (GMT) Every other Sunday with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Its four months since the last post-roast, it's time for the self-isolation…
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