05.04.21 Post Roast Session #lockdownlive
05.04.21 Post Roast Session #lockdownlive circa 4pm-8pm (BST) Every other week (possibly) with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Stay Safe People. Peace & Love. #live #staysafe #stayhome #staytuned #musicislove x /// READ MORE // /

The Sun Of A Beach Easter Paradio Show
04.04.21 The Sun Of A Beach Easter Paradio Show 1000 - 0300 BST "This spell of warm temperatures is set to disappear just in time for the weekend🙄 so all the more reason to get the roast on and get online at radio.novalujon.com this coming Easter Sunday 10:00-03:00 for our Easter Paradio Spectacular..…
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14.02.21 Future Love (Part 2)
14.02.21 Future Love (Part 2) #live 8pm-late (GMT) "The Future Love Session, for my future Love... Also romantics & lovers & every day people, everywhere... Part 2!" /// READ MORE // /.
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31.12.20 New Years Eve #live
31.12.20 New Years Eve #live 6pm-late (GMT) "A New Years Eve mash-up. David Jazzy Dawson vs Benjamin Dawson for an evening of cocktails and jazz woodbines, party music and cheer. Join us for a night to remember, and to celebrate the end of 2020. /// READ MORE // /.
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20/21.12.20 PRS Solstice Session #live
20/21.12.20 PRS Solstice Session #live 7pm-late (GMT) "A special journey, enjoying the winter solstice; Please do join us for this virtual party!" /// READ MORE // /.
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08.11.20 Post Roast Session #lockdownlive
08.11.20 Post Roast Session #lockdownlive circa 8pm-Late. (GMT) Every other week (possibly) with a bottle of vin rouge or a cuppa cha, a jazz woodbine & sweet eclectic sounds for your listening pleasure with your host David Jazzy Dawson... tune in. Stay Safe People. Peace & Love. #live #staysafe #stayhome #staytuned #musicislove x /// READ MORE // /